Executable class

Typically a class was consist of instance methods and class methods. What if we put some logical codes directly into class definition?

For example:

class A
  ENABLED = true

    def do_this
      puts "do this"
    def do_that
      puts "do that"

  puts "hi, I'm #{self}"

If you execute above code, it will output “hi, I’m A”. And class A will have #do_this instance method defined.

Actually Ruby will execute the codes between class and end and use the result as class definition.

self definition

If you search on the web, you’ll find two expressions on self:

  • self is a special variable that points to the object that “owns” the currently executing code.
  • self always refers to an instance.

In above example we can tell self refers to class A which meets the first expression - points to the object that “owns” the currently executing code.

It also meets the second expression as A(class) itself is an instance of class Class.

Following example demonstrates self in different situations:

class A
  # inside class body, so `self` refers to A
  puts self         # => A

  def foo
    # inside an instance method, so `self` refers to instance of A
    return self

  # inside class body, so `self` refers to A; same as `def A.bar`
  def self.bar
    # inside a class method, so `self` refers to A
    return self

puts A.new.foo      # => #<A:0x007fc1cc072480>
puts A.bar          # => A

Here’s a very good stackoverflow answer.